When dreams shatter, divorces increase in love marriages.
Nowadays, the increasing cases of divorce have given rise to a new concern in society. Be it an arranged marriage or a love marriage, marital life is becoming unstable due to increasing distance in relationships. Divorce affects not only the two people but also their families, their children, and society. Therefore, some concrete steps are necessary to prevent this. Divorce is not a solution, but it should be the last option.
In today’s era, the trend of love marriage has increased rapidly, but along with it, the rate of divorce is also increasing. While love marriage was considered a symbol of love, freedom, and mutual understanding, the increasing cases of divorce have raised questions about this notion. Marriage is not just a union of two people but a confluence of their dreams, hopes, and emotions. When two people marry for love, they weave many golden dreams of the future—of living together, sharing happiness, and traveling a beautiful journey. But when this journey reaches the brink of divorce, the first to be crushed are ‘tere mere sapne’ (my dreams of yours). The zeal, enthusiasm, and closeness before marriage gradually start to fade for many reasons. Small misunderstandings, walls of ego, and changing priorities start to erase those dreams that both of them had once cherished together.
The dreams that are seen for each other before marriage start getting crushed under the burden of the responsibilities of reality. When the direction of dreams becomes different, the relationship starts weakening. In love relationships, people often see their partner in an ideal form, but when the reality comes after marriage, dissatisfaction may arise. Communication is very important for a successful marriage. If the spouses are unable to understand and listen to each other, then there can be a rift in the relationship. Many times after marriage, financial pressure and difficulties in fulfilling responsibilities start coming, due to which differences can increase. In love marriage, many times one has to face opposition from family and society.
If the couple is not mentally strong, then this tension can affect their relationship. If the behavior of one of the partners is suspicious or distrust starts arising, then it can lead to divorce. After marriage, when the priorities of both the persons start changing and if their thinking does not match, then there can be tension in the relationship. In modern times, giving priority to a career can affect marital life. Many times, partners start restricting each other’s personal freedom, which increases differences. A battle of self-respect and ego begins. “Who is more right?” This question starts hollowing out the relationship from within, and dreams start breaking.
Choose your life partner not only by keeping in mind love but also by keeping in mind similar ideology, family background, career goals, and lifestyle. Talk openly about every problem and try to understand your partner’s feelings. Have practical expectations from each other before and after marriage and try to fulfill them. The foundation of any relationship is trust. Be loyal to your partner and maintain transparency. Every relationship has ups and downs. Do not solve any problem in a hurry, but think patiently. Sometimes taking advice from family and close friends can also help in strengthening the relationship.
If problems are increasing in the relationship, then taking guidance from a marriage expert or counsellor can be a good option. Even after marriage, understand each other’s dreams and try to fulfill them together. Discuss every small and big thing, understand your partner’s feelings, and put your point forward in the right way. Responsibilities increase after marriage, but this does not mean that dreams should be abandoned. Support each other so that personal desires can be fulfilled. When ego enters the relationship, love starts diminishing. So, give priority to love in every situation. If you start feeling that the relationship is becoming a burden, then spend some time together, go for a walk, refresh old memories, and try to start the relationship afresh.
The increasing rate of divorce in love marriages is worrying, but it can be stopped if the couple maintains mutual understanding, trust, and patience. Marriage should not be based only on love, but it also needs respect, responsibility, and maturity. By adopting the right thinking and behaviour, love marriages can be made successful and happy. Divorce is not just a legal separation; it is also the death of those dreams that two people had once seen together.
To save relationships, it is important to maintain love, trust, and understanding. Because if ‘Tere Mere Sapne’ is shattered, not only will two hearts break, but two lives will also remain incomplete. The reasons for the high rate of divorce in love marriages is wrong expectations, low tolerance, lack of family support, and lack of communication. But it can be stopped with the right understanding and maturity. Marriage is successful not only with love but also with trust, patience, and cooperation.