Caesarean sections are increasing unnecessarily in hospitals

Some private hospitals are indeed performing unnecessary caesareans for more profits, but it would not be fair to blame everyone. The solution requires awareness among women, the moral responsibility of doctors, and government regulations. There are some questions whose answers need to be found together. Has it increased according to the need of women, or has it become a source of income for hospitals? Are doctors performing unnecessary caesareans for their convenience? Are women themselves preferring caesareans because they want to avoid pain? Are women induced to undergo caesareans without being given proper information about their options? A cesarean is not wrong in itself, but when it is done for commercial gain or without solid medical reasons, then it becomes a matter of concern. It should be used with proper awareness and responsibility.

Did you know that caesarean delivery, or C-section, is the most commonly performed surgery in the world? The topic of caesarean section versus normal delivery is much debated, especially when it is being overused. Some consider it a “business model,” while others see it as an achievement of medical science. A caesarean section is a surgical procedure that is performed when normal delivery is not possible or there is a risk to the health of the mother and baby. But nowadays, it is being performed more than medically necessary in many places, especially in private hospitals, where it is seen as a quick and convenient solution. A cesarean in itself is not wrong, but when it is done for commercial gain or without a solid medical reason, then it becomes a matter of concern. It should be used with proper awareness and responsibility. In the last few years, the rate of caesarean sections has increased rapidly in many countries, including India.

According to the World Health Organization, a caesarean is necessary in only 10-15% of cases, but in many countries, this rate has reached 50% or more. In India, this rate has been seen to be up to 50-80% in many private hospitals. According to the report of Niti Aayog, the rate of caesarean delivery in private hospitals in India was found to be 40-50%, while in government hospitals,s it was about 20-25%. In schemes like the Health Insurance Scheme and Janani-Shishu Suraksha Karyakram, surgery is done on patients without need because in such schemes either incentives are given or the insurance company benefits. In these cases related to caesarean, hernia, gallbladder, appendix, etc., there are more. This is sad because in such cases, pregnant women are exploited the most. The cost of a caesarean delivery is 2-5 times more than a normal delivery, due to which hospitals make more profit. While normal deliveries can take hours, caesareans can be completed in a fixed time, allowing hospitals and doctors to perform more deliveries in less time. Some doctors prefer to schedule deliveries in private hospitals as per their convenience. Some women are so scared of labor pain that they agree to have a caesarean themselves. Sometimes, patients are scared and told that the baby is in danger, due to which they are forced to go for a caesarean.

A cesarean is necessary in many cases, such as when the position of the baby is not right, such as in a breech position. There are complications during delivery, such as placenta previa and umbilical cord entrapment. The mother has a serious health problem, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, or heart disease. The baby is lacking oxygen, and immediate delivery is necessary. A cesarean section has already been done, and normal delivery is not safe. But when a Caesarean is done without any solid medical reason just to earn money, it is morally wrong. Many private hospitals prefer Caesarean because it is done quickly and costs more. Due to fear and lack of awareness of women, many women choose Caesarean to avoid pain, whereas normal delivery is more beneficial. Women should be made aware of this so that they give priority to normal delivery. Doctors should work responsibly; Caesareans should be done only when necessary. Natural methods should be promoted, such as yoga during pregnancy and proper diet, so that normal delivery can be easy.

Along with all this, the government should strictly enforce rules so that unnecessary caesareans are reduced. Give priority to normal delivery unless a cesarean is necessary for medical reasons. Practice yoga, eat right, and exercise during pregnancy to increase the chances of normal delivery. Hospitals should make their caesarean and normal delivery rates public. Women should develop the habit of consulting another doctor if they are recommended for a caesarean. The government should make strict rules to prevent unnecessary caesareans in private hospitals. Women should be given correct information during pregnancy so that they can understand the doctor’s decision and not hesitate to ask questions. Hospitals should be encouraged to promote normal delivery. To curb the increasing cases of caesarean delivery, a district in Telangana has made a three-minute short film, ‘Caesarean La Koo Katheredham’ (Let us reduce caesarean delivery). To avoid pain, many women choose caesarean instead of normal delivery, which is wrong. A cesarean section is only justified if it is necessary for the safety of the mother and the baby. Unnecessary surgery should be avoided, as it can be more challenging for the mother physically and mentally.