Mumbai: Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde on Saturday welcomed Lord Ganesh at his official residence in south Mumbai as the 10-day festival dedicated to the elephant-headed god began with pomp.
Shinde along with his wife and MP son Shrikant Shinde conducted a ‘puja’ at Varsha, the CM’s official residence.
Talking to reporters later, the chief minister said he prayed to Lord Ganesh, known as the god of wisdom and prosperity, for the well-being of the state.
He said the state has received good rains this year and hoped it will bring prosperity to the farmers. “In some parts, there has been excess rainfall and led to crop loss,” Shinde said, stressing that the government will firmly stand behind the farmers.Shinde listed out his government’s various schemes aimed at the welfare of women and farmers in the state. Maharashtra ranks first in the state in terms of foreign direct investment (FDI) and has 52 per cent share, he added.