Godamma started the 30-poem-Tiruppavai explaining the rigours of Siri Nomu, the Vratam, like do not wear flowers instead, offer each flower to Krishna; do not eat Ghee or other tasty delicacies which divert your focus from Krishna. Then, she wakes up ten Gopika leaders and Alwars. Along with Gopikas, Goda had a proximate darshan of Lord Krishna.
In this Pashuram Goda expresses her desire and that of the Gopikas, her friends in Sri Villi Puttur, which she considers as Vrepalle or Brindavanam. After having the Darshan of Lord Krishna, they praise the glory of Bhagawan, Hail His adventures in defeating demons, and helping the good and peaceful. As the Vratam is reaching its conclusion, she is expressing the desire, what they intend to have from Krishna. They are asking for perpetual association with Sri Krishna. The Vratam that began with don’ts like ‘no ghee, no sweets, no flowers’, etc, the Gopikas are now requesting for certain things which bring them nearer to God besides cherishing the constant touch with Him.
Goda’s Tamil Pashuram 27
Koodarai Vellum seer Govinda, Undrannai
Paadiparaikondu Yaam Perum Sammanam
Naadu Pugazhum Parisinaal Nandraga
Soodagame Tholvalaiye Thode Sevippoove
Padagamey Endranaiya Palkalanum Yaam Anivom
Aadaiy Uduppom Adhan Pinne Paar Shoru
Mooda neiy Peydhu Muzhankai Vazhivara
Koodi Yirundhu Kulirindh el or empaavaai
English poem 27
O Govinda, you will win rivals with valour,
We, sing your glory, seek Parai, and honours of
World recognition, Precious Bangles for wrists,
Golden Armbands, Ear tops & hangings, silver
Anklets for feet, and attractive Garments for us
To wear, to reach Your divine association,
To enjoy delicacies of milk, rice, and sweets with Ghee
flowing over elbows, just to be with You, forever.
In the 26thPashuram, they asked for a Margalil Holy bath with Sri Krishna. They were praying to Laskhmi to permit Sri Krishna to be with them. They demanded Sri Krishna, some Conches, like His Panchajanyam symbolizing Knowledge; Parai, the musical instrument which also means the world beyond the worldly material things; the Singers of glory of Vishnu; the lamp representing Mother Lakshmi, Garuda Dwajam – the flag, Ananta Naga suggesting the tent, etc. The reason behind asking for Conch, which Vishnu needs is that they can always live in proximity to Krishna. They were in fact, asking for Lord Krishna Himself, without saying so. He asks them “You are asking my weapons, Lakshi, my devotees, Ananta, Garuda, etc. Do you want to win me over completely”? Gopikas responds, “O God, it is impossible for us and we do not intend so, it is your unique quality to win all”. God again asks “Okay, please tell me what do you want exactly from me?”.
Goda Devi was found in the Tulasi garden, which means, it is not known wherefrom Goda manifested. The legend says that she disappeared into the Sri Rangadhama. Similarly, the Seetha was, the legend goes, found in a crop field and during Yajna disappeared in Ayodhya when Rama and all others around, broke into a Bhumi. They explain that both are found in Seetha and Goda Devi and merged into the five elements. Goda Devi has owed to offer 1000 pots full of sweet or Ksheerannam” of “paayasam” in Tirumaliyam Shorai, a temple from Tamilnadu of Lord Soundarya Bahu Perumal, if she weds with Sri Ranganadha. But she could not fulfill the wish as Goda merged with Sri Ranganadha. Goda in the 8th Century asked Ramanuja to fulfill that wish, in the 10th Century, i.e., after around 200 years, by offering 1000 Ksheerasannam, – food made of rice cooked in milk and jaggery. Because fulfilling the wish of Goda, the Sri Ramanuja was considered she as elder brother.
The way to attain Moksha
This song explains the way one can attain Moksha, liberation. Reciting His name, Being with Him, Singing His glory, getting immersed in his thoughts, remembering his divine qualities, and enjoying the delicacies of Payasam called ‘Shoru’ (sweet made of milk, rice, ghee, etc) along with the Supreme Being, shall be the ultimate result of the Vrata. It is the ultimate Bliss, called breaking of the birth, death, and rebirth cycle, i.e., Moksha or liberation.
Striking at Pride of Indra
Krishna notices the egoistic behaviour of Indra and asks His father and friends to worship Govardhana and offers him sacrifices instead of giving to Indra. Furious Indra causes hailstorms, thunders, and drops of lightning for a week. Krishna protects His people by lifting Govardhana like an umbrella holding it for seven days and nights on his little finger. Then, He earned the title- Govinda, one who protected Cows. ‘Go’ in Sanskrit also means the earth, which was grabbed by Hiranyaksha, to kill whom Naryana descends in the form of Varaha Murthy.
Goda, for the first time among 30 songs, calls Him Govinda in this 27thPashuram. This refers to the trouble Krishna took for seven long days to save all living beings. Gopikas and Goda desire to have those things, which are closely connected with Vishnu. Though they appear to have asked for ornaments, they were asking for Guru’s extended hand, impressions of Sanka and Chakra on arms- known as Samaasrayanam, the process of admission into Vaishnavaite Guru tradition, ear tops, etc mean eight–lettered- mantra – Ashtakshari, two ear studs mean Dwaya mantra – pair of Narayana mantras etc. This Pashuram is an embodiment of enormous affection for the Lord.