Management of Menopause – Modern treatment

The treating physician at first has to assess the current health and risks in future before starting treatment for menopause. Different class of women from different geographical areas and dietary habits experience diverse symptoms during perimenopause and after menopause. Basing on the severity of the condition, required clinical examination, laboratory tests and radiological investigation, screening…

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Fight against ill Health

Access to health care has been miserable from time immemorial. Access to healthcare in the past varied by time and location, and was influenced by religion, science, and public health measures: In ancient times health was believed to be a result of divine favor, and people would pray and sacrifice to appease the Gods. For…

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The Emerging Healthcare in India, Encounters and Prologues – Part-IV

According to the Lancet, the world-renowned medical journal air pollution can affect nearly every organ and system of the body, negatively affecting nature and humans alike. Air pollution is a huge problem in emerging and developing countries, where global environmental standards often cannot be met. Considering the only outdoor air quality and not indoor air…

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