Any threat of Mpox to India? (Part II)

Among literates and illiterates there is a pertinent doubt that how this Mpox spreads to human beings? How it is different from Corona the recent pandemic which trembled the world. Therefore peoples should aware that Mpox spreads when someone comes into contact with an animal or a person infected with the virus. Person-to-person spread (transmission) occurs when people come in contact with the sores, scabs, respiratory droplets or oral fluids of a person who’s infected, usually through close, intimate situations like cuddling, kissing or sex. In fact, in the most of the European countries and African countries have been reporting Mpox cases so often among homosexuals.     Research is ongoing, but experts aren’t sure if the virus is transmitted through semen or vaginal fluids. Mpox can spread in different ways, including through close contact (including intimate or sexual contact) with a person with Mpox.

Animal-to-person transmission occurs through broken skin, like from bites or scratches, or through direct contact with an infected animal’s blood, bodily fluids or pox lesions (sores). One can also get mpox by coming into contact with recently contaminated materials like clothing, bedding and other linens used by a person or animal which are infected.  From direct contact with an infected person’s rash, scabs, or body fluids, through respiratory droplets during close, face-to-face contact such as during kissing, embracing or sexual intercourse.

How is mpox diagnosed?

Because mpox is rare, a healthcare provider may first suspect other rash illnesses, such as measles or chickenpox. But swollen lymph nodes usually distinguish mpox from other poxes. To diagnose mpox, the healthcare provider takes a tissue sample from an open sore (lesion). Then, they send it to a lab for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing (genetic fingerprinting). A blood sample to check for the mpox virus or antibodies that immune system makes can also be in practice. The Andhra Pradesh Med Tech Zone (AMTZ) in Visakhapatnam, India, announced the launch of the ErbaMDx Monkey Pox RT-PCR Kit, which is the first indigenously developed testing solution for monkey pox in the country. The kit was developed in collaboration with TransAsia Diagnostics Private Limited, which is located at AMTZ.

Mpox symptoms in children: Address headaches, fatigue, muscle aches, fever  immediately

Management and Treatment: Mpox is usually a self-limited disease (gets better without treatment) with symptoms lasting from two to four weeks. Following diagnosis, healthcare provider will monitor the condition and try to relieve symptoms, prevent dehydration and give, if necessary, antibiotics to treat secondary bacterial infections.  There aren’t any currently approved antiviral treatments for mpox. However, for people at risk doctors may prescribe antiviral drugs like cidofovir or tecovirimat. These drugs are approved to treat other viral infection (like smallpox), but researchers need to learn more about how well they work for mpox.

Prevention: For all those at risk for mpox, getting vaccinated helps to stop the spread. Other forms of prevention include limiting human contact with infected animals and restraining person-to-person spread.

Mpox vaccines: Vaccines developed for smallpox also provide protection against mpox. Mpox vaccines are currently only recommended for people who’ve been exposed to, or are likely to be exposed to, mpox. The Mpox vaccine is recommended for dose close contacts with someone with mpox, having sex with someone had Mpox or even intercourse with in the past two weeks with who has been diagnosed with mpox,  had sex at a sex club, bathhouse or other commercial sex venue in the past six months, had sex at an event or location where mpox was spreading also having a sex partner who’s been in any of the above situations, homosexual contact, sex with a transgender person or a nonbinary person, there is risk of contracting Mpox.

It’s important to get vaccinated before or as soon as possible after exposure or been diagnosed with one or more sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in the past six months, this includes acute HIV, gonorrhea, syphilis, chancroid or chlamydia, had sex with more than one person in the past six months.

Other ways to prevent mpox: In addition to vaccines, other ways to help prevent the spread of mpox include: avoiding contact with infected animals (especially sick or dead animals). Avoiding contact with bedding and other materials contaminated with the virus. Thoroughly cooking all foods that contain animal meat or parts. Washing hands frequently with soap and water. Avoiding contact with people who may be infected with the virus. Practicing safe sex, including the use of condoms and dental dams. Wearing a mask that covers mouth and nose when around others. Cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces. Using personal protective equipment (PPE) when caring for people infected with the virus. (Concluded).