The unfortunate stampede incident that occurred around 8 PM on Wednesday night during the distribution of darshan tokens at Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam (TTD) centres—Vishnu Nivasam, Srinivasam, and Padmavati Park—has left many questioning the causes. While overzealous devotees surged forward to secure tokens, the responsibility also partially lies with the local police and TTD officials, who could have anticipated and mitigated such a situation, given the large crowds and the limited availability of 1.7 lakh tokens.
Devotees, many of whom had been waiting in line since morning, rushed in large numbers to avoid missing their chance to get tokens. This triggered severe congestion. The lack of effective crowd management and insufficient deployment of police personnel exacerbated the situation, leading to stampedes at two locations.
In the history of TTD, such incidents are rare, as the Board officials, in coordination with the Executive Officer (EO) and staff, have always prioritized the safety of devotees. However, even the most meticulous arrangements can falter when crowd anxiety surges, coupled with inadequate police presence to manage the situation.
The deep spiritual connection devotees feel towards the presiding deity, Lord Srinivasa Swamy, often drives them to extraordinary lengths to secure darshan. This phenomenon is not unusual, particularly during special occasions. However, with the Dakshina Vaikunta Dwaram darshan being so sacred to Hindu devotees, many feel TTD could have taken more comprehensive measures to manage the crowds, such as deploying additional uniformed personnel to regulate the flow of devotees.
Chairman B.R. Naidu and Executive Officer Shyamala Rao, who have been credited with improving crowd management since assuming their roles, will likely feel the pain of this mishap more than anyone. Despite their efforts, this tragic incident is a reminder that there is always room for further improvements in handling such large-scale gatherings.
As TTD prepares for the next 8-9 days, during which an estimated three lakh pilgrims are expected daily from across the country and overseas, officials must implement corrective measures to avoid a repeat of this tragedy. Lessons must be learned, and arrangements must be scaled up to ensure the safety of devotees.
The newly constituted TTD, which regained the confidence of devotees after resolving the Srivari Laddu adulteration controversy, has seen a positive response through increased sales of Laddus and other prasadam. The coalition government led by Nara Chandrababu Naidu acted swiftly, by not only expressing their regrets over unfortunate mishaps, but also by announcing ex-gratia payments to the families of those who lost their lives and ensuring quality medical care for the injured. Of the 40-odd injured, 32 have already been discharged, with the remaining expected to recover and be released soon.
While the loss of lives is irreplaceable, this incident serves as a somber reminder of the importance of preparedness and vigilance during high-traffic events at such revered locations.