Vaman Rao’s Memoirs: Part-V

(….Contd) I was married when I was 23. Several matches came, which I did not entertain for some reason or the other. It was Sri K.S. Bhushan Rao Indian Express Agent (Dr. K.L. Rao’s nephew) also Swatantra whom Khasa told to look for a suitable bridegroom for his daughter. The former told me about it. Though…

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Vaman Rao’s Memoirs: Part-IV

(……..Contd) My eldest brother Kishan Rao was married in 1934 when he was 19 and doing MA (English Literature) in Aligarh University on scholarship of Rs.50/- given by the State. He could not join any other University as Osmania University was recognized only by Aligarh. He had stood first in English B.A. in the University….

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Vaman Rao’s Memoirs: Part-II

(……Continued) Our’s was an open house, hospitable and giving shelter to the needy. As it was strategically located some friends coming from Hyderabad by train would stop for the night and proceed to their place next morning. They would have a meal prepared by my mother, but served by us children on plantain or in…

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