Dr. Satyawan Saurabh

Fake travel agents, agencies, and websites only rob

In India, there has recently been a surge in fraudulent travel agencies that promise to send unqualified individuals abroad. Even though a large number of people have been arrested, there are undoubtedly still a large number of people operating fraudulently. Using illegal holiday packages, registration fraud, and psychological mind games, these unscrupulous travel agents run…

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India’s domestic workers: Why are they marginalized?

While domestic work should be socially valued and remunerated appropriately, the law may also require respectable working conditions. Taking into account programs such as the National Health Insurance Scheme and the Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan-Dhan Yojana, a specific legal framework for domestic workers should be created. This will ensure better safety at the workplace,…

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Why are the health services of state governments weak during the pandemic?

India urgently needs an intergovernmental organization for the health sector, as many health sectors are rapidly globalizing and the influence of contemporary technologies is increasing, which are transforming health strategies. An organization that can improve coordination between the federal government and the states. Government management of public health outbreaks is hampered by inadequate healthcare infrastructure….

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