Sex may give a boost to certain aspects of people’s well-being and physical health. Evidence suggests these benefits can include reducing the risk of heart disease and improving mental health. Scientific research has highlighted several possible benefits besides procreation that come with sexual intercourse.
ulfilling sex life is an essential component of overall well-being, but various factors can affect the libido
Scientific research has highlighted several possible benefits besides procreation that come with sexual intercourse. The advantages include preserving heart health in some people, reducing blood pressure, and boosting immunity. Sex can also improve mood, relationships, and mental well-being.
HELPING HEART HEALTH: Partnered is a relationship status before engagement. When a person stops dating others and avoids getting involved in the practice of engaging in multiple romantic and typically sexual, relationships, with the consent of all the people involved who won’t be going into sex, appears to have some protective effect on cardiovascular health, especially in women. A 2016 study looked at the potential health benefits of sexual activity with a regular partner. This research found a trusted source that sexually active women have a lower risk of cardiovascular events later in life.
However, the study also concluded that high levels of sexual activity might increase the risk of cardiovascular events in men. The “high level” to describe especially is having sex with a young lady by an old man using drugs like Viagra for hours together without knowing the status of his health condition of the heart. This conclusion contradicts most earlier research, and further studies are necessary to verify this risk. Researchers in Denmark and the U.S. however, have recently found in April 2022 that a substantial number of men are nevertheless obtaining overlapping prescriptions for both classes of drugs Viagra and nitrates usually prescribed for ischemic heart diseases. But evidence suggests that they don’t appear to suffer negative health outcomes, such as heart attacks, as a result.
This study was published in Annals of Internal Medicine in the last week of April 2022. But medical groups such as the American Heart Association advise men to avoid taking nitrates within at least 24 hours of shorter-acting erectile dysfunction drugs, including Viagra (sildenafil) and Levitra (vardenafil), and within at least 48 hours of a longer-acting drug such as Cialis (tadalafil). Males and females with heart problems should ask a doctor about how much sex is safe for them. They should also be specific about the regularity and intensity with which they have sex, as this may affect the potential strain on the heart.
Reducing blood pressure: The same 2016 study also measured blood pressure as one of the markers of heart health. The researchers found that older women who expressed satisfaction with their sex lives were less likely to have high blood pressure. However, the study authors did not find the same results in older men. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), high blood pressure can affect both libido and a man’s ability to achieve and maintain an erection.
According to trusted sources, medication for high blood pressure can also reduce libido and cause erectile dysfunction. While this does not confirm a benefit, it may show a link between blood pressure and sexual health. Many people with high blood pressure, or hypertension, have safety concerns when it comes to sexual intercourse. While it is always important to speak with a doctor, it is usually safe for people with high blood pressure to have sex. If hypertension medication is causing sexual difficulties, a person can talk to their doctor who may be able to prescribe a different medication or dosage to relieve the adverse effects.
Boosting the immune system: Some early research found that regular sex increased the effectiveness of the immune system. Researchers found that people who had frequent sex, which they defined as one to two times per week, had more immunoglobulin A (IgA) in their system than others. IgA is an antibody that lives in the mucosal tissue, such as the salivary glands, nose, and vaginal tissue. Further studies might yield different results. A more recent study looked at a small group of women to see if there were differences between the immune activity of those who were sexually active and those who were not. The study examined their immune system’s ability to kill different infectious pathogens at various points in the menstrual cycle. While the results suggest that there might be some differences between the different research groups, the authors say more research is necessary before drawing any conclusions in matters of sensitive issues like sexuality, age, gender, co-morbidities and other associated factors. (Reasons for young people becoming impotent and measures to prevent and cure it will be discussed next week)