My brother Vali, a terror to his adversaries, has ever been the cherished favorite of our father. His affection and concern for me were boundless. Upon the demise of our father, the counsel of the elders resolved to enthrone him as sovereign of the Kishkindha Dynasty. Thus was Vali anointed as king, reigning over the ancient kingdom inherited from our forefathers. I, Sugreeva, have ever been his humble servant and have dwelt in his good graces.
The son of Maya, the divine architect Mayavi, harbored grievances against my brother over a woman. One fateful night, Mayavi stormed into Kishkindha, issuing a dire challenge to Vali. Though the women of his harem and I implored him not to engage with the demon, Vali would not be dissuaded. Fearing for his safety, I followed him. At the sight of us, the demon took flight, and beneath the bright gaze of the moon, we pursued him.
Our chase led to a cavern of unfathomable depth. Enraged, Vali commanded, “Sugreeva, remain here at the mouth of this cave until I return victorious over this fiend.” Despite my pleas to accompany him, he bound me by oath to stand guard at the entrance.
A full year passed, and Vali did not emerge. Anxiety gnawed at me, as shadows of doubt clouded my mind. Then, from the depths, I beheld blood seeping forth, mingled with strange fluids, and I heard the terrible cries of demons—but no sound from my brother. Alas, Rama! Concluding from these dreadful omens that my brother had fallen, I sealed the cavern’s mouth with a mighty stone and returned, grieving, to our kingdom.
Upon my return, the elders, of their own volition, placed the crown upon my head, for the throne could not sit vacant. I governed as a steward, safeguarding the realm. Yet, one day, Vali returned, ablaze with wrath. He imprisoned my allies and though I possessed the strength to oppose him, I submitted to his elder right.
Prostrating before him, I rejoiced at his return and humbly entreated him to hear my plea. I spoke, “O mighty Vali, vanquisher of our foes, I awaited you for a year by the cave’s mouth. Upon witnessing signs of your fall, I sealed the entrance, stricken by grief. The elders crowned me without my counsel, for it is unseemly for the younger to reign while the elder lives. Accept my apology, for my role in this was naught but that of a caretaker, preserving the kingdom until your return.”
But Vali’s fury was unquenchable. In the presence of the elders and common folk, he twisted my words, accusing me of vile treachery. He proclaimed, “One night, the demon Dundubhi dared challenge me. I pursued him, and this cruel brother of mine followed. When the demon took refuge in a cave, I instructed Sugreeva to guard the entrance. Trusting his vigil, I hunted the beast for a year and, having triumphed, returned—only to find the entrance sealed and my brother gone. Betrayed, I shattered the stone and found my way home, only to see this traitor upon my throne.”
Stripped of my honor, I was cast out, my wife stolen, and my life beset by Vali’s loyal warriors. For years, I wandered the earth, seeking refuge from his relentless pursuit, my every moment steeped in fear and despair. Only here, upon Mount Rishyamuka, did I find sanctuary, for reasons Vali himself could not breach.
O Rama, protector of the oppressed! My tale is woven with the threads of truth, and my suffering, born of no fault of my own. In you, I seek the light of justice that I may be delivered from this ocean of sorrow.
And Rama, discerning the righteousness from the foulness, saw the malice of Vali’s heart. He resolved, “My arrows shall deliver justice upon Vali. His sinful seizure of your wife demands retribution. Fear not, Sugreeva, for I shall bring thee to the shores of joy and peace.”
Thus, from this clash of misjudged motives and fair intentions arose a great reckoning. It unleashed a torrent that would cleanse the demon world, preserving the realm from its darkened scourge.