Limitless Love and Unbounded Affection for Krishna
As Goda and Gopikas desired, Sri Krishna comes out of his abode of rest towards the decorated crown, moving like a Lion and sometimes like an Elephant. Neela Devi stepped forward to invite Him, took Him, and then sat by His side. He kept one leg on the thigh and the other on the footrest. When Goda and Gopikas saw strain marks on the pink lotus-like-foot of Lord they felt sad. He never cares for his own strain for helping devotees. Bhagawan Krishna came down to serve as an ordinary charioteer and obeyed Arjuna’s command to take Ratham here and there amid two large armies of Pandava and Kourava in Kurukshetra.
After watching his stained foot, they forget their purpose of visit (to seek fruits of Vrata) and pray for His welfare, hail Him, and remove the evil effects of bad looks to ward off the dangers of singing Mangalam. They want to protect Him from evil forces. They know that He is omnipotent but forget all that in the anxiety to secure Him. They are transformed from the phase of knowledge Jnaana to the phase of unbounded love- called Bhakti, a unique mix of knowledge dominated by love.
Goda’s Tamil Pashuram 24
Andri Ivvulagam Alanday, Adi Pottri
Sendru Angu Ththenn Ilangai Chettray, Thirall Pottri
Pondrachchagadam Udathaai, Pugazh Pottri
Kandru kunilaai Erindhaay, Kazhalpottri
Kundru Kkudaiyai Edutthaay, Gunam Pottri
Vendru Pagai Kedukkum Nin Kaiyyil Vel Pottri
Endrendrum Un Sevakamea Ethiparai Kolvaan
Indru Yaam Vandhom Irange Lorempaavaai.
English Poem 24
Hail thy feet that mapped the entire world in two steps,
Hail thy valour that vanquished Lanka king in the south,
Hail thy fame that kicked off the demon-cart,
Hail thy pose of throwing calf away at the fruit killing two demons,
Hail thy generosity that lifted a hill like an umbrella,
Hail thy spike that destroyed the enemies,
Hail thy bravery, to obtain the desired parai,
Came now, for Bliss and Blessing, for our Vrata.
Simhasanappattu is the name of the previous Pashuram, and the present one is the Mangalasasanappattu. This appears to be the climax of 30 songs. There are 108 Narayana Divya Deshas, which are so-called because the Alwars sang there in praise of Paramatma’s glory. They hail His glory, wish Him Jayam (Victory), and desire for the security, protection, and welfare of God – the meaning of Mangalam. After ten Alwars sang the glory, Goda chose Tiruppavai to sing the Mangalam, in this 24th Pashuram and that made her an Alwar.
While Vamana was pained by measuring two steps, Rama walked all through the forest and suffered the most. He goes to the place of the enemy, the strong fort in the ocean. He crossed Vana Durgam, Sthala Durgam, Jala Durgam and then attacked Lanka Durgam. Rama breaks Ravan’s strong and high compound, kills each of his brothers, supporters and sons, his charioteer, and horses, breaks his flag, chariot, bow, and crown, leaves him standing barefoot, and walks back home through the main streets of his own capital. His entire ego should have vanished by this great insult. He tried to invoke wisdom in Ravana and gave him one more chance to correct, surrender, and return Seeta. But he does not, hence, gets killed. But none hailed Rama’s strength of arms. Lanka is a symbol of the human body, ten heads – ten Indriyas, his mind – the ego and that is the demon, Ravan. The Antaryami goes into the place of that mind and destroys the ego.
Viswamitra knows Rama’s valour, gives him divine weapons Bala and AtiBala, and when he gets into war with Taataka, He says Swasti Raghavayorasthu.
When Rama accepts the hand of Seeta in marriage, Janaka sings a sloka: Iyam Seetha mama Sutha Tava Sahadharmachaaree cha Yenam Prateeccha, Bhandranthe Paanim, Paaninam Grihneeshva.
This slokam is recited in every marriage even today. On the way to Ayodhya, just married Rama, confronts the destroyer of rulers – Parashuram. Father Dasaratha was worried and tense until Rama came out of the conflict of safety.
Seeta knows the power of Rama but when King Dasaratha summons him through Sumantra, Seeta asks all rulers of eight sides to protect him. (Rama was called to convey Kaikeyi’s wish to go to the forest). Sribhashyam recalls several episodes in Ramayana when the loved ones prayed for the security of Rama.
Jatayu knew valiant Rama who single-handedly killed 14 thousand demons led by Khara and Dushana. Still worried about his safety. Jatayu after getting severely injured in the battle with Ravana to save Seeta, looks at Rama, and blesses him with “Ayushman Bhava”. Rama could demolish seven strong Saala trees kill Vaali at one stroke and throw out the heavy body of Dundubhi with the thumb of his foot. Sugreeva knows all this, but when Vibheeshana wants to switch to the side of Rama, he apprehends internal sabotage and is deeply worried about the safety of Rama. It shows Sugreeva’s deep affection. Rama takes the trouble of walking on Sethu built with uneven stones bound by rough ropes etc, and also when he walks in the forest all through. Gopikas and Goda sing for the welfare of His arms that killed Ravana.