Chennai: The Tamil Nadu BJP on Monday accused Lok Sabha MP Dayanidhi Maran of ‘degrading’ the profession of hairstylists and alleged that the DMK leader had dubbed dissemination of his remarks vis-a-vis north Indians the ‘work of a jobless barber.’
K Annamalai, BJP state president said on ‘X’: “Degrading someone by profession or language seems to be the only thing DMK MP Thiru Dayanidhi Maran excels in. Instead of apologising, Thiru Dayanidhi Maran calls those spreading & reacting to his rants on our North Indian Brothers and Sisters the work of a “Jobless Barber”. With this constant degrading, it is only evident that even the continuous taste of electoral defeat doesn’t seem to shake the resolve of the leaders in the I.N.D.I. Alliance.”
Speaking to reporters, Maran, when asked about his old remarks trending recently, quoted a proverb with a reference to a hairdresser and said that it was the work of jobless people. The DMK leader asserted that the BJP IT Wing’s desperate bid to stoke controversy to derive political mileage will not succeed.
Annamalai emphasised that rather than apologising for his remarks, Maran further denigrated those who reacted to his comments by labeling them as “jobless barber”.
“Instead of apologising, Thiru Dayanidhi Maran calls those spreading & reacting to his rants on our North Indian Brothers and Sisters, the work of a ‘Jobless Barber’,” Annamalai said.
This response from Maran, according to Annamalai, reflects a pattern of constant degradation, suggesting that even electoral setbacks don’t shake the resolve of leaders within the INDI Alliance.
“With this constant degrading, it is only evident that even the continuous taste of electoral defeat doesn’t seem to shake the resolve of the leaders in the INDI Alliance,” he said.