Sita, a symbol of grace and kindness, was instantly captivated at the sight of the deer in disguise. Its unique blend of colors, graceful sprints, and endearing leaps charmed her heart. Her eyes, alight with curiosity, sought Rama and Lakshmana, who stood guard with their bows and arrows.
Lakshmana, his tone wary, said, “Rama, this creature seems to be the demon Maricha in disguise. In the past, he has tempted princes and kings, only to devour them. This is his cunning way of securing his sustenance. Use your keen sight, Rama, and you will see through the illusion that this magical being is a demon’s trick, adorned with hues and innocent playfulness to deceive us. This is not a creature of this earth but the black art of demons. Beware, for it may be a trap set by the demon community, with Maricha as the bait.”
Sita, her smile as radiant as pearls, gently interrupted, “O beloved Rama, this creature has stolen my heart. Please, capture it for me. We see many animals around our ashram—deer, antelopes, bears, and monkeys—but none as beautiful as this. Its delicate frame and rich colors seem to hold all the beauty of nature.”
She continued, “This deer, with its exquisite grace and innocent demeanor, would be a delightful companion. Its presence would illuminate our surroundings, and I believe it could be domesticated without much effort. What a marvel it is, what a beauty! I wish to possess this unique creature, either alive or, at the least, its remarkable skin to adorn our sacred space. Such a possession would surpass the traditional use of deerskin in rituals and astonish Bharatha and my mother-in-law.”
Rama, moved by Sita’s desire, said to Lakshmana, “See how Sita’s heart is set on this deer. Such a creation cannot even be found in the divine gardens of Indra or Kubera. The artistry of nature is evident in every feature of this animal. With its jeweled horns and silver-spotted body, it is a masterpiece.”
Rama observed, “Who would not be tempted by such a marvel? But if this is indeed the work of a demon, it is my duty to uphold the balance in this sacred forest. If Maricha is behind this, he shall meet his end, just as the sage Agastya dealt with the deceitful demon Vatapi.”
Turning to Lakshmana, he instructed, “Stay vigilant, Lakshmana. Guard Sita with your life, for her safety is paramount. I shall pursue this creature, whether it be a true deer or a demon in disguise. Should it prove to be the latter, it will not have time for regret. I will return soon, either with the deer or its remnants.”
With a final word of caution to Lakshmana and Sita, Rama set off, his bow and arrows ready. His intellect and lineage shone through his measured words, as he acknowledged the forest’s bounty and its potential to sustain all who use it wisely. His strategy against the demon was clear, but his calm demeanor kept fear at bay. Rama’s readiness to face any challenge with dignity and poise is a timeless lesson, a testament to the cosmic balance orchestrated by the universe itself.