“O venerable Maricha, hearken to my plea! You, who have been my steadfast supporter, a guide more profound than my own father, must now rise in my defense. A perilous danger looms upon me, and it is your prowess alone that can rescue me from this abyss.
Know this, O sage, that my brother Khara, the mighty Dushana, the indomitable Trisira, and a host of skilled warriors have long safeguarded Janasthana under my command. These valiant demons, fourteen thousand strong, enforced my dominion, bringing terror and obedience to all beings in this vast domain. Yet, a mortal, a mere Kshatriya named Rama, with neither divine allies nor celestial powers, has obliterated my forces.
With a bow in hand and arrows swift as death, he vanquished my warriors. The triumvirate of Khara, Dushana, and Trisira fell before him, and he has promised sanctuary and fearlessness to all within Dandakaranya. This mortal, unjustly exiled by his father, roams the forest with his wife. He is ruthless, of harsh demeanor, and bereft of virtue. Yet, his strength has shamed my might.
Rama dared to maim my sister Surpanakha without cause, save his arrogance. His wife, fairer than celestial maidens, now stirs my desire. I would seize her, bring her to Lanka, and make her my queen. For this, I need your unparalleled skills, O Maricha.
Transform yourself into a golden deer with enchanting dark spots. Appear before Sita, so captivating that she will implore Rama and Lakshmana to capture you. Lure them far from their hermitage, and in that moment of isolation, I shall claim Sita as my own. Like Rahu devouring the moon, I shall eclipse Rama’s light. His strength, drained by separation, shall make him an easy prey for my wrath.”
Maricha, having heard Ravana’s impassioned plea, grew pale at the mention of Rama. His lips dried, and his spirit wavered. Yet, with wisdom born of experience, he spoke:
“O King of Lanka, sweet words often beget false allies, but a loyal counselor must speak the truth, however bitter it may be. Your ignorance of Rama is your folly. He is no mere mortal but a paragon of virtue, strength, and compassion, akin to Indra in might and Varuna in wisdom. You, blinded by arrogance, fail to grasp the peril of provoking him.
Rama is the son of the noble King Dasaratha, a beacon of dharma, who was misled by Queen Kaikeyi’s guile. Bound by filial duty, Rama relinquished his throne, wealth, and comforts to honor his father’s word. He is gentle yet unyielding, a protector of all creation, and the embodiment of righteousness.
O Ravana, Rama’s anger, once roused, is a tempest that can annihilate the demon clan. Sita, his devoted wife, is inseparable from him, as light is from the sun. Her radiance is shielded by his might, and your attempt to sever their bond is folly. When Rama wields his bow, he is death incarnate. His arrows consume all in their path, like a wildfire or an unquenchable volcano.
Your reckless desire for Sita will lead to your ruin. I implore you, seek counsel from your wise brother Vibhishana and other advisors. Measure your strength against Rama’s, and reconsider this perilous course. If you value your life, your kingdom, and your lineage, abandon this reckless ambition.”
Maricha, understanding the gravity of the situation, sought to dissuade Ravana with earnestness. Yet, he discerned Ravana’s unyielding pride and awaited his response, devising further strategies to avert disaster.
Thus, destiny began to weave its intricate design. The unfolding events were not mere whims of chance but harbingers of profound change, shaping the cosmos with the inexorable force of dharma and karma. The fate of realms hung in the balance, driven by the inexorable march of truth and righteousness.