Bharata Beheld Rama’s Ashram at Chitrakuta

Rama, observing Lakshmana hastening to prepare for combat, was seized by a tempest of anger. Yet, mastering his fury, he resolved to pacify his brother. With a voice firm yet calm, he addressed Lakshmana thus:

“O Lakshmana, when a thoughtful prince like Bharata approaches us bearing a bow and arrows, what need have we of swords or shields? Remember, I am bound by my father’s solemn word, a vow I hold dearer than life itself. I cannot bear the disgrace of slaying a brother who has come to see me. Even should I triumph in battle, what worth is a kingdom gained at the cost of my pledge? Wealth or power secured through the loss of kin is but poisoned food to me.

Behold, Lakshmana, I seek not riches nor dominion, but the glory of my people and the honor of our house. If a throne I desire, it is only to strengthen my brothers and uphold the welfare of our subjects. On this, I swear, by my bow and my truth. Even if I could claim the earth’s sovereignty, stretching to the four seas, or ascend Indra’s throne through unrighteous means, I would cast it away as worthless straw. Nothing that does not belong to Bharata, Shatrughna, or you, my dearest Lakshmana, holds favor with me.

O protector of valor, consider Bharata’s virtue. He must have heard of our exile and, stricken with grief, journeyed here to seek us, burdened by the sorrow of separation and the weight of duty. Surely, he comes not with malice but with a heart full of affection. Have you ever known him to harbor ill intentions? Has he ever caused us harm? Your words of suspicion wound me deeply, for they reflect not on him but on me. If you desire the throne for yourself, I need only speak, and Bharata would relinquish it without hesitation. Such is the depth of his love for us.”

Lakshmana, humbled by Rama’s piercing wisdom, realized the folly of his anger. He bowed his head in remorse, his turbulent emotions quelled.

Meanwhile, Bharata approached with his retinue, his heart weighed down by sorrow and longing. Addressing Shatrughna, he commanded, “Let the army remain here at a respectful distance. Search every corner of this forest. Guha and his kin, skilled in these woods, shall explore its depths. I, along with our advisors and elders, shall proceed on foot. I shall find Rama, Lakshmana, and Sita, for my heart will not rest until I behold Rama’s moon-like face, his lotus-petal eyes, and the radiance of his divine presence.

Lakshmana is truly blessed to stand beside our brother daily, and Sita, ever fortunate, graces his side like a celestial consort. Rama, dwelling in Chitrakuta, shines like Kubera amidst the splendor of Nandanavana. Even this wild forest, teeming with ferocious beasts, is ennobled by his ascetic presence.”

Bharata moved with determination, climbing through blooming thickets and advancing towards the source of rising smoke. At last, he beheld Rama’s hermitage. A surge of joy and reverence overwhelmed him as he neared the sacred site, guided by affection and humility. The brothers’ meeting was imminent—a union of shared virtues, unbroken trust, and profound love.

In this solemn moment, contrasts dissolved into harmony. Grief gave way to wisdom, and every trial became a testament to character. Thus, amidst the forest’s austere beauty, the seeds of enduring unity and righteousness were sown, shaping a destiny illuminated by virtue and compassion.

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