Hyderabad: On Wednesday, a bench of Telangana High court upheld the Singh Judge orders that nullify the Group-I Preliminary Examination held on June 11, 2023. It also directed the Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC) to conduct he exam afresh, adhering strictly to all the general instructions specified in the notification, including the mandatory use of biometric verification for all candidates without any exceptions.
The Division Bench comprising Justice Abhinand Kumar Shavili and Justice Anil Kumar Jukanti has dismissed the writ appeal filed by TSPSC and the court voiced its dissatisfaction with the way the TSPSC handled the preliminary examinations by highlighting the lack of diligence in verifying the details of the candidates who participated in the examination.
The court found faults with the figures that on the day of the examination 2,33,248 candidates took their exam. After 17 days i.e., on 28 June, 2023 initial figure which uploaded that a total of 2,33,506 took their exam. No clear explanation was given for the difference of 58 candidates.
This inconsistency raised questions about the Commission’s commitment to conducting the examination and accurately documenting candidate information, despite the crucial impact it has on those attempting the Group-I services examination.