Thiruvanthapluram: Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan announced a relief and assistance package for the victims of the Wayanad landslides on Tuesday. He declared an ex gratia of Rs 6 lakh for the families of those who lost their lives in the disaster. Additionally, the CM announced Rs 75,000 in compensation for individuals who sustained 60% physical disability, and Rs 50,000 for those with 40-50% physical disability.
Kerala CM Pinarayi Vijayan said, ” We will provide ₹6,000 as rent assistance to those affected by the Wayanad disaster, including those moving to relatives’ homes. The kin of the deceased will receive Rs 6 lakhs. Those who suffered 60% physical disability will receive Rs 75,000 and those who suffered 40-50% physical disability will receive Rs 50,000. Additionally, Rs 50,000 will be given to those who have sustained serious injuries. These funds will be allocated from the Chief Minister’s Disaster Relief Fund (CMDRF) ”
Meanwhile, a five-member expert team began inspecting the landslide-affected areas of Wayanad district on Tuesday, including the epicenter of the disaster, and collected rock and soil samples for testing. Led by senior scientist John Matthai from the National Center for Geosciences, the team was assigned by the State Disaster Management Authority to assess the landslide-hit regions in Wayanad’s Meppadi panchayat, as reported by PTI.
The inspection was halted by noon due to adverse weather conditions in the disaster area, according to a statement from the district administration. The inspections are scheduled to continue until August 15. The team will ensure to examine the possible dangers in different parts of the disaster-stricken area.