Bengaluru: Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Wednesday assured that he would receive the report of the socio-economic caste survey conducted by the Permanent Backward Classes Commission during the erstwhile government led by him and take appropriate action for people’s welfare.
He said various communities will be given provisions based on the survey data.
Siddaramaiah gave this assurance while speaking to the delegation of ‘Karnataka Shoshitha Vargagala Maha Okkuta’ (a federation of oppressed classes) that met him today, the CM’s office said in a statement.
The caste survey will provide the necessary data for taking appropriate decisions about the facilities to be provided to the people, the Chief Minister said.
The survey was conducted to collate scientific and accurate information that is essential for providing reservation and other facilities, he added.
The Chief Minister said appropriate action would be taken based on date gathered in the report.
The “confusion” created by the previous BJP government in reservation will be resolved, Siddaraamaiah asserted, adding that otherwise social justice cannot be provided to anyone.
When Congress was in power previously between 2013 to 2018, the government had conducted socio-economic surveys through the Permanent Backward Classes Commission at a cost of Rs 162 crore.