Thane: Maharashtra’s Thane police was on Monday granted transit remand by a local court to take Shahnawaz Khan, the prime accused in an Uttar Pradesh case allegedly involving religious conversion of youngsters through an online gaming app, to Ghaziabad, an official said.
Khan, who hails from Mumbra township here, was arrested from a relative’s place in Alibag in Raigad district on Sunday, the official said.
“He is being taken to Ghaziabad from Thane by road,” the police official said.
As per the police, Khan and the cleric of a mosque in Ghaziabad were booked under the Uttar Pradesh Prohibition of Unlawful Conversion of Religion Act based on a complaint.
A man from Ghaziabad had lodged a complaint with the police last month alleging the cleric and Khan had unlawfully converted his son, who recently passed the class 12 board exam, to Islam.
As per the complainant, his son came in contact with Khan through an online gaming app and frequently spoke to him, following which he got inclined towards adopting Islam.