Pursuit of happiness: The great Indian upgrade saga

A friend’s post on WhatsApp got me thinking. It was about the Hedonic Treadmill – how we keep chasing the next big thing, only to find ourselves back where we started. The more I thought about it, the more I realised: this is our story, playing on a loop like a daily soap.

The smartphone obsession

Take smartphones, for instance. The moment a new model is announced, we turn into tech analysts – scrutinising camera specs, comparing refresh rates (as if we are gaming champions), and watching unboxing videos like they are Oscar-winning films. After weeks of research, we finally bought the perfect phone.

The first few days? Sheer excitement. We hold it like a delicate newborn, refuse to let anyone else touch it, and take dozens of unnecessary photos just to test the camera. A month later? It is just another device we toss on the bed. A year later, we convince ourselves it is lagging, and before we know it, we are hunting for the next upgrade.

No longer a ‘premium’ car

It doesn’t stop at phones. Cars follow the same cycle. We dream of owning a premium model, stretch our budget, and proudly show it off to friends. But the joy is short-lived. The moment someone in our circle buys a slightly better model, we start doubting our life choices.

From ‘This is my dream car!’ we shift gears to ‘Maybe I should have gone for the next variant with a sunroof, alloy wheels, and that 360-degree camera.’ Suddenly, our premium car starts feeling ordinary. And before the EMIs are even halfway done, we are back to eyeing the showroom – this time, perhaps an EV or a 4X4!

Never-ending home makeover

Nothing activates the Hedonic Treadmill quite like home renovations. It starts innocently enough – someone says, ‘Let us repaint the living room.’ Logical. Then someone else suggests, ‘While we are at it, why not change the sofa?’ Sensible. ‘Why not bring down the wall and go for a modular kitchen’? Wow. Next thing we know, we are browsing marble countertops, debating colour schemes for walls, and considering a full home remodel.

It never ends. The house is finally perfect… until we visit someone else’s newly renovated place. And just like that, the cycle begins again.

Finding joy beyond the upgrade cycle

The truth is, none of these upgrades bring lasting happiness. Sure, they give us a dopamine rush, but like a decadent dessert or a tasty meal, the high doesn’t last. What does? Laughing over old family videos, a relaxed cup of chai, or a hearty chat with family and friends, and in my case spending time and playing with my granddaughter.

So, before we chase the next shiny thing, maybe it is time to pause and savour what we already have. Or at least wait for the Diwali Dhamaka Sale or Black Friday Sale – because, let’s be honest, who can resist that!