Due to unnecessary tests and corporate style of treatment of recommending several procedures while neglecting thorough clinical examination and depending on laboratory results eventually crushing the common man’s pocket.
In developing countries like the UK, USA first any patient even the highest dignitaries in the respective provinces should first go to a family physician or general practitioner who after examination identifies whether the problem is psychological, neurological, ENT, gastroenterology, nephrology or cardiology or simple stress and refer to the concerned specialist accordingly.
In our country for the last four decades family physician concept has slowly deteriorated and hence philosophy of health is not being utilized in its full spirit and contour. In true spirit, a family physician is a philosopher guide and well-wisher of the family, which is no more given priority in the contemporary period. The government of Andhra Pradesh tried to utilize the family physician/family doctor system to some extent in recent times.
(AI) Artificial Intelligence & Health
Define a standard health, it is one’s feeling and enjoyment of health in all aspects. A sound health lives in a sound mind, a harmonious feeling of our body soul, and willpower put together manifest as satisfying health. Any number of diagnostic tests medical gadgets or (AI) artificial Intelligence, and peripheral evaluation cannot certify the health of any individual is excellent. On the other hand, it is the person who lives and accomplishes a comprehensive satisfying life of choice of his living is the ultimate health.
The old saying that “health is wealth”, in a real sense it is one’s maintenance of good health with total fitness. In “Health is Wealth” the author is broadening as that “health is not only wealth but it is the foundation of holistic wellbeing socially, physically, psychologically, spiritually, energetically with vigor vitality and positive thoughts”. In modern times comparing the health of individuals based on living standards and global civilization has been the order of the day. Human values, ethical standards, spiritual thinking and the influence of the neighborhood play a pivotal role in what health means to a particular individual.
No scientific research can dictate to a person to his utmost satisfaction the shape, the figure, and the philosophy of health. Many philosophers have concluded the very fundamental structure of health from times immemorial but in practice, it does not suit to all humanity. Health is a dynamic state of phenomena and personal experience. Comparing the health of a person from a specific background say a slum dweller to the health of a city dweller is unscientific and unethical. Good health is the fundamental right of every human being.
The philosophy of health is ever-emerging
What was health philosophy in the 18th century cannot be compared with the philosophy of health in the 21st Century. Introspection, evaluation, and outlook of the health of individuals from primitive sets to modern entities have been undergoing metamorphosis. Health was a neglected arm in the previous generations and health would recover on its own was the concept of bygone days. There was tremendous belief and faith in the regeneration capacity and immune power of one’s own body. Ill health was treated as a natural phenomenon of the body and unnecessary fears were not dominating in those days. Whereas now health is the primordial aspect of life. So much focus is now given to maintain good health. Several steps are being initiated now to prevent illness. The ‘Karma theory’ was so strong regarding morbidity or effect of diseases like leprosy in the past. People used to say that due to ghastly Karma so and so person is suffering from severe painful cancer disease or paralysis etc., too much philosophical faith on God thinking that He who gave this disease to a particular person due to his ill deeds in previous Janma, will be eradicated by Almighty only.
Medical Ethics
In the Indian subcontinent still, medical ethics are in the infancy stage. Keeping high respect and dignity of human beings while treating them or giving Medicare is not being given due importance. Patients should be well informed in advance about what is going to happen to his body and its consequences in his interest; however, prior consent is mandatory. In recent times contemplating on philosophy of health is changed. 20 to 30% of people only believe in ‘Karma theory’ and previous Janma…. Papa Punya while the remaining 70% are directed towards their habits like alcohol intake, use of drugs and smoking are the cause of cancer, AIDS, disease, disability and premature death. The philosophical strong belief of “Without the order of Lord Shiva even ant won’t bite” is merging slowly into the ocean of reasoning, scientific view and evidence-based medical science.
Jathasya Maranam Druvam
Debate on Jathasya Maranam Druvam which means every organism borne is destined to die, has been influencing several philosophers positively and negatively. According to known history great stalwarts like Sri Ramanujacharyulu lived around 120 years. Ramanuja, also known as Ramanujacharya, was an Indian Hindu philosopher, guru, and social reformer. He is noted to be one of the most important exponents of the Sri Vaishnavism tradition within Hinduism. His philosophical foundations for devotionals were influential to the Bhakti, which takes us to the thinking of any relationship between good health, living long years, and Bhakti.
Does Bhakti provide sound health? Spiritual belief and practice appearance like making people healthier peaceful and tranquil. We have worthy experience in Suvarta Swasta Sabhalu where several patients of paralysis, schizophrenia, poor vision were given miraculous cures instantaneously. These episodes are running examples that philosophical deep exercise joined with spirituality would relieve suffering to a considerable portion of people in society. The faith healers do follow philosophical health principles in treating their sick persons. We know that many Rishies survive hundreds of years and even people in many villages even today are living up to 80-90 years without taking any medicine or going to any doctor even one time in their life. These are all illustrations of linking between philosophy and health. (To be concluded)