LS Speaker’s role crucial in complaints against MPs

New Delhi: The role of Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla will be crucial in the investigation of the complaints lodged by the BJP and Congress leaders over the jostling among its MPs in Parliament premises which sent two leader seeking hospital care.

Permission from the Lok Sabha Speaker, being the custodian of the Parliament premises, will be required to investigate any matter within the precincts, officials said.

Members of Parliament affected by the incident can take recourse to breach of privilege proceedings and seek redressal from the presiding officers of the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha.

Officials stated that permission from the Lok Sabha Speaker is mandatory to investigate any matter within the Parliament precincts, given his role as the custodian of the premises. This indicates the significance of the Speaker’s position in maintaining parliamentary decorum.

MPs affected by the incident have the option to initiate breach of privilege proceedings. These proceedings allow for redressal from the presiding officers of both the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha. According to procedural rules, the House holds the authority to reprimand members for misconduct and has the jurisdiction to scrutinize conduct both inside and outside its walls.

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