King Dasaratha breathed his last

When King Dasaratha confessed the burden of his long-guarded secret to Queen Kausalya, he felt relieved of its oppressive weight, though it had been concealed to spare the queens from distress. With his mind unburdened, the king drifted into the eternal slumber from which no man returns. Kausalya and Sumitra, noticing the king in a…

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Dasaratha appeals to Kausalya to act humble

The impassioned outbursts of Kausalya vexed King Dasaratha beyond endurance. Troubled by her reproaches, he wrestled with his thoughts, but neither his weary body nor his tumultuous mind offered him solace. A wave of helplessness and despair overcame him, leaving him often semi-conscious—a foreboding sign. His gaze rested upon Kausalya, expressionless yet burdened by memories….

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Kausalya’s tirade against ailing Dasaratha

Amid the tempestuous atmosphere, Kausalya, engulfed in anguish, speaks incoherently and paces with a heavy heart. She implores Sumantra, her voice trembling, to take her to the forest without delay, exclaiming, “My soul longs to see Rama, Sita, and the dutiful Lakshmana!” With calm demeanor and hands folded in respect, Sumantra replies, “O noble queen,…

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