Bharata’s entourage given celestial hospitality by Bharadwaj at Prayaag

Bharata, ever mindful of tradition, left his mighty army and grand entourage at a respectful distance before approaching the hermitage of Sage Bharadwaja. Clad in simple silk garments and unarmed, he walked humbly alongside Sage Vasishta. Upon entering the serene ashram, Vasishta introduced Bharata and the purpose of his visit. By ascetic decorum, Sage Bharadwaja…

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Bharatha’s Quest to Crown Rama

At the break of dawn, Bharatha rose early, completed his morning rituals, and set forth on a solemn journey to the forest with a singular purpose: to persuade Rama to return and accept the throne as the rightful king. Leading this grand procession were the ministers, teachers, sages, and priests, forming the vanguard of the…

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Bharata Departs with Rama and His Entourage

In the first phase of the night, Bharata sat surrounded by humanity’s music and soothing melodies, yet a tempest of thoughts ensnared his mind. The echoes of past atrocities and shadows of future uncertainties wrestled within him. Though his resolve remained steadfast, he feared that Rama’s virtue, simplicity, and unwavering values might undermine his own…

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