(D Nagarjuna)
Maybe we can recall earlier precedents, if any, and if not, SC giving an extension to the Director of ED Directorate will be etched in history not with golden letters but definitely in such a font depicting how values have degenerated and how justice keeps changing with time, mood and prevalence of a particular situation, be it with Executive or Media.
How SC can on one hand say that the very presence of ED on the day it gave its last verdict was illegal, and on the other gives an extension, whatever the reasons mentioned in the appeal? And what made SC for this U-turn? And what purpose would it serve if the extension is curtailed by a month? It gives a suspicion that some back door arrangement has been made so that both the government and the SC have their respective brownies while people are left high and dry.
Or SC could be bold enough to say as part of the judgment that time has been given to see that all cases are driven to logical conclusions not selectively but in totality. Is that going to happen?
Will all the cases of corruption, whoever they be, drawn from ruling and opposition be settled with conviction or acquittal as the case may be and if that happens, good days are ahead. But when that does not happen, SC will be vulnerable to be suspected all the more of colluding with the government, and Social Media will lynch CJI which it has already been doing at the drop of a hat.
Even for responding to a serious and nationally shameful act, CJI was attacked with a well-armed whataboutery. Social media is a global phenomenon and one would not prefer to be humiliated even if it is by minions but the damage it is causing is beyond comprehension. Will the new Data bill look into this so that adequate filtration takes place before anyone is attacked with all and sundry ammunition, going even to the extent of character assassination, be it Sonia Gandhi or Smriti Irani?
Wonder, if AI would help in this matter. It is not the question of who attacked whom. It is the question of degradation of values we have stooped to. Moreover, bills when passed and that become a rule will be mere tissue paper when the law is not implemented strictly and uniformly and not in the manner of ‘you show me the face, I will show you the rule’. Let us take one simple example.
Under MV Act all over the country, people are not allowed to be ferried in DCM trucks or big lorries like cattle to all kinds of rallies and no one is booked. When the law is defied so openly, why will people respect those who are supposed to implement it in a no-nonsense manner but pander to their higher authorities? And ironically, the same people look the other way despite seeing a string of lorries carrying thousands to attend someone’s meeting. It is easy to blame the four pillars but as people, we have not risen to the levels that we often compare but do not practice.
People have divided among themselves politically, caste-wise, religiously, and economically and the irony is that they have not done even that sincerely but have become experts in blackmailing each other and are happy living for the day and not bothered about a sound future for themselves and their next generations. Greed has overtaken need. Corruption is taking care of the former. Period! (The views expressed in this article by the author are his person and the website won’t subscribe to it. Yet, your website believes strongly in freedom of expression enshrined in the Indian Constitution)