Social behaviour evolved from adapting to extreme cold, study in primates finds

New Delhi: Examining langurs and odd-nosed monkeys provided scientists with evidence that social behaviours, such as extended care by mothers, evolved by adapting to live in extremely cold climatic conditions in the long-run. Other social behaviours that they studied included increased infant survival and being able to live in large complex multilevel societies. For the first…

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Hypertension due to high salt intake linked with emotional, cognitive dysfunction

New Delhi: A new study has linked hypertension, brought about by high salt intake, with emotional and cognitive dysfunction. The study from Fujita Health University, Japan, found high salt intake to contribute to unwanted signalling between blood pressure regulation system and certain lipid molecules, thereby causing dysfunction in the brain. Cognitive impairment has been linked to…

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“Warm ice age” altered Earth’s climate cycles

New Delhi: Scientists say the simultaneous events of an exceptionally warm and moist period ushered in by a “warm ice age” approximately 7,00,000 years ago and the expansion of polar glaciers played a critical role in permanently altering the climate cycles on Earth. A European research team including Earth scientists from Heidelberg University, Germany, used recently…

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