India’s Military: Successes, Growth in 2024, and Challenges Ahead

The Indian military has a storied history of resilience and success, standing as one of the world’s most formidable forces. From its decisive victory in the 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War to operations in Kargil in 1999 and confronting Chinese intrusions in Galwan and Arunachal Pradesh, India’s armed forces have consistently demonstrated strategic brilliance and unmatched…

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Bharat’s Battle for Survival: Lessons from Israel – Part VI

Securing the Chicken’s Neck: Combating Demographic and Radicalization Threats to Northeast India The strategic vulnerability of the ‘Chicken’s Neck Corridor’ in North Bengal—a narrow stretch connecting mainland India to the northeastern states—has long been recognized as a potential target for hostile forces. The region’s shifting demographics and rising radicalization present an imminent security threat, demanding…

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Bharat’s Battle for Survival: Lessons from Israel – Part V

Partition and Barbarianism…. The partition of India in 1947 was a tragic and defining moment in the nation’s history, driven largely by Islamic imperialism and a concerted push for the creation of Pakistan. Yet, in the aftermath, the blame for this cataclysmic event was often placed on Hindu communalism by the Nehruvian establishment, which shamelessly…

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Bharat’s Battle for Survival: Lessons from Israel – Part IV

The dynamics of Indian society and culture underwent a significant transformation during British colonization and the advent of Christian missionaries. These forces extended their influence beyond urban centers, reaching rural areas with ideas and communication methods that surpassed those of Islamic institutions in India at the time. A pivotal shift occurred as the education of…

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Bharat’s Battle for Survival: Lessons from Israel – Part III

My third premise is that Bhärata varsa has been and remains the Hindu homeland par excellence. I repudiate the description of Bhārata varša as the Indian or Indo-Pak subcontinent. I refuse to concede that Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Bangladesh have ceased to be integral parts of the Hindu homeland simply because they have passed under the…

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Bharat’s Battle for Survival: Lessons from Israel – Part I

No Appeasement of the Enemy: Lessons from Netanyahu It is time to read excerpts from Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech (below) and reflect on its relevance to our partitioned and endangered Bharat. Let us recognize Jawaharlal Nehru’s betrayal in substituting the word “Independence” for what was, in truth, the unconditional surrender of our ancient, great, and divine…

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Rahul’s Arrogance vs. Constitutional Norms

On November 26, 2024, at the Constitution Day event in the Central Parliamentary Hall, Rahul Gandhi, Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha, once again stirred controversy with what many perceived as entitled and disrespectful behaviour. The event, intended to celebrate India’s Constitution and its democratic values, took a backseat as Gandhi’s conduct drew…

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